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How to Use AI Generated Content For SEO (The Right Way)

How to Use AI Generated Content For SEO (The Right Way)

AI has changed the game in digital marketing, especially when it comes to creating content for SEO. As technology and creativity mix, it's important to know how to use AI-generated content while keeping things real and high-quality for both search engines and readers. Let's look at how to do this right.

What's AI-Generated Content in SEO?

AI-generated content is text, images, or other media made by AI algorithms. For SEO, it's mostly about writing content quickly. But what does Google think? Surprisingly, Google doesn't automatically penalize AI-generated content. They care more about quality and value, no matter how it's made.

The good thing about AI is that it can help with coming up with ideas, write drafts, and even make content better for search engines. But it's best to think of AI as a helper for human creativity, not a replacement.

Why Use AI-Generated Content for SEO?

The biggest plus of using AI for content is how much faster you can make it. AI can write in minutes what might take a person hours, so you can create more content.

AI is also great at finding keywords and making content better for search engines. It can sift through tons of data to find popular topics and keywords, making sure your content matches what people are searching for.

Another plus is that AI can help keep your content consistent. You can set it up to follow your style and tone, so all your content sounds like it's from the same brand.

Watch Out for These Problems

While AI is pretty impressive, it isn't perfect.

Sometimes it gets things wrong, especially with complicated topics or citing sources. It might use old information or make mistakes. As AI systems are updated these problems may be addressed, but as things currently stand, it's just not the case.

Another issue is that AI content can sometimes sound a bit boring or generic. It might miss the personal touch that makes content really interesting.

There's also a risk of making duplicate or low-quality content if you're not careful with AI tools. This can actually hurt your SEO instead of helping.

How to Use AI Content the Right Way for SEO

So, how do you fix this problems?

To use AI well for SEO, mix AI's skills with human know-how.

Use AI to start drafts or come up with ideas, but always have a person check and improve the content. This makes sure the final product is correct, interesting, and fits your brand's voice. If it can get you 80-90% to a complete article in one shot, that's a HUGE time saver!

Focus on making good, relevant content that helps your readers. Search engines like content that meets people's needs, no matter how it's made.

Google is and always has been a search engine that wants to deliver the right content to the right people at the right time. So you need to make sure that any content you create (whether through AI or hybrid) follows the E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) principle.

Always edit and fact-check any content generated with AI. Don't just copy and paste what AI writes. Read it carefully, make it better, and add your own knowledge. This makes the content better and helps avoid problems with duplicate content.

Checking How Well AI Content Works for SEO

The most helpful thing you can do is to keep an eye on your analytics and rankings. Watch your search engine rankings (Google Search Console, for the win), organic traffic, and how users interact with your content (like how long they stay on the page and how often they leave quickly). This will give you an idea of whether or not your content is working, or if it needs tweaked.

Also, feel free to battle out your AI-generated content verses human created content. This will help you make your AI content strategy better over time, making sure you're using this powerful tool in the best way possible.

To wrap up, AI-generated content can be a great tool for SEO when used correctly. By combining AI's efficiency and data skills with human creativity and expertise, you can create high-quality, SEO-friendly content that works well for both search engines and your readers.

Remember, the key is to use AI as a helper to make your content creation better, not to replace the human touch that makes content truly engaging and valuable. For now anyways. 😂

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